Saturday, November 1, 2014

ED615: Performance Task Evaluation

The objective of this assignment is to evaluate a student in my field experience according to the provided rubric. I am choosing to evaluate one of my students in Earth and Space Science based on their performance during their "Rock Lab" activity. The students had to identify 6 known rocks Day 1 based on the properties and then identify 6 unknown rocks on Day 2 given a list of possibilities where 3 of the 6 were rocks from Day 1.

Understanding: 3
The student did very well with her group in analyzing the properties on Day 1 and using her knowledge of rock properties to identify the unknowns on Day 2. Her group was able to identify 4 of the 6 rocks on Day 1 correctly and 5 of the 6 rocks on Day 2. Their explanations for why they chose the correct rocks clearly demonstrated they understood the rock properties and what rocks have which properties. I gave the student a 3 for the mix-up of understanding of one property that lead to the incorrectly labeled rocks on both days. While they had an understanding of most of the knowledge, there was minor error in their understanding that still needs to be addressed.

Planning and Execution: 4
The student in her group used all of her available resources to tackle the problem of the lab. The student used the provided rock property table/chart to narrow down the rocks to which of the three categories and then used her knowledge to further narrow it down with the help of a dichotomous key. The student also used all of the available materials such as the magnifying glass and HCl test to narrow down the possibilities.

Communication: 2
The steps the student took are clearly described in her data and analysis, but at times the student does not use the correct scientific terminology. Instead she uses everyday terminology or descriptions when discussing her process. Because of the ineffective use of scientific terminology I had to give a 2 based on the rubric.

Persistence: 4
The student was very independent and did not ask for help during the lab. The student relied on the help of her peers to answer any of the questions she had or clarifications she needed.

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