Friday, December 12, 2014

Mini Research Project

What impact would standards based assessment have on student learning?


  1. Great project! And I really appreciate your action research question as I'm a strong advocate for mastery learning within the context of our new standards. It wasn't clear to me who or if the actual assessments were different between the two experimental groups or if it was just how they were evaluated (standards based vs. traditional). Also, I was wondering if the control group, also, had the opportunity to be reassessed with traditional grading or was there assessment once and done? Overall, great concept that I would love to be adopted as best practices!

    1. that was supposed to read how not who, and their not there, geez I should do some editing before hitting publish. sorry!

    2. So with standards based grading (SBG), the assessment method is different in each case (traditional vs. SBG). With SBG they were allowed to work on reassessment of the standards to improve whereas the traditional just had students use the standards assessments as quizzes for the grade so that all students are taking the same amount of assessments and the same type. The data I'm collecting is the end result of mastery of the overarching standard to see if there is improved learning between how students are assessed. The actual test/quiz the students are taking are the same for each group, but how the test/quiz is handled is different in each case.
